
Terms of Service

Article 1:

This website only provides online trading platform services for you to engage in digital asset trading activities (including but not limited to digital asset trading, etc.) through this website. This website does not participate in the transaction of digital assets as a buyer or seller; this website does not provide any services related to the deposit and withdrawal of fiat currency in any country.

Article 2:

1. You have the right to browse real-time quotations and transaction information of digital asset products on this website, submit digital asset transaction instructions, and complete digital asset transactions through this website.
2. You have the right to view the information under the member account on this website and apply the functions provided by this website.
3. You have the right to participate in website activities organized by this website in accordance with the activity rules published on this website.
4. Other services that this website promises to provide you.

Article 3:

You shall comply with applicable laws, regulations, rules and policy requirements, ensure that all digital assets in your account are of legal origin, and shall not engage in any illegal activities or other activities that damage the rights and interests of this website or any third party, such as sending or receiving illegal, Information that is inappropriate or violates the rights of any other person, sends or receives pyramid schemes or causes damage to other information or speech, unauthorized use or falsification of email header information from this website, ETC.

Article 4:

You should abide by applicable laws and regulations, correctly use and properly keep your account number and login password on this website, your financial transaction password, the mobile phone number you provided when registering an account and bound to your account, and use your The verification code received by the mobile phone security. You are solely responsible for any operation and all consequences arising therefrom using your account and login password on this website, financial transaction password, and verification code sent to your mobile phone. When you find that your account number, login password, financial transaction password or mobile phone verification code on this website is used by any unauthorized third party, and you find other issues related to your account security, you should promptly notify this website in a timely manner effective way and require this website to suspend the provision of services to your account on this website. This website has the right to take action on your request within a reasonable time; however, this website is not responsible for the consequences that have occurred before such action is taken, including but not limited to any loss you may suffer. You may not donate, lend, rent, transfer or otherwise transfer your account on this website to any other person without the consent of this website.

Article 5:

You agree to be responsible for all activities (including but not limited to information disclosure, information release, online click approval or submission of various rules and agreements, online renewal of agreement or purchase of services) on this website using your account and password.

Article 6:

When you conduct digital asset transactions on this website, you shall not maliciously interfere with the normal conduct of digital asset transactions or disrupt the transaction order; you shall not use any technical means or other means to interfere with the normal operation of this website or interfere with the use of services by other users; You may not maliciously defame the goodwill of this website based on false facts.

Article 7:

As the service provider of this website, if the user violates the relevant laws of the United States by violating this statement, this website is obliged to improve the rules and services. However, this website has no motive or fact to violate the relevant laws of the United States, and does not assume any joint and several liability.